What is Hemostatic Disease?
Sickle Cell Anemia
Sickle cell anemia is prevelant in those of African, Arabic and Mediterranean decent Sickle cell anemia is an inherited blood disease that affects mostly those of African, Arabic and Mediterranean descent. The disease is caused by malformed hemoglobin, that forces the red blood cells to assume a crescent shape. This mutation also causes the blood cells to die quickly, which will result in a shortage of red blood cells in the body.
Thrombocythemia can form blood clots in the brain Thrombocythemia is a hemostatic disease that causes the bone marrow to produce more platelets than what is needed. These platelets, once released into the bloodstream, don't function properly and may form blood clots. Although blood clots can form anywhere, with Thrombocythemia, they are mostly formed in the brain, hands and feet.
Blood clots can be dangerous, as they not only slow normal blood flow, but can move through the body and get caught in a vessel or vein leading to one of the major organs. If this happens, complete failure of the organ may occur.
Pale skin tone, and lethargy, can be signs of anemia Anemia is caused when a person doesn't have enough healthy red blood cells to carry the needed amount of oxygen through the body. Anemia can be brought on by other medical conditions, or a lack of proper nutrition. Anemia can be a short-term disorder, or could be a chronic disorder that requires constant medical attention. If you are anemic, your body may destroy healthy red blood cells faster than they can be replaced. People who suffer from anemia often find they have an extreme lack of energy, pale skin color, cold hands and feet,and headaches.
Liver is high in iron, and shouldn't be eaten by someone suffering from Hemochromatosis Hemochromatosis is a hemostatic disease that is caused from too much iron in the body. It is an inherited disease, which causes the body to absorb more iron than needed. The body has no way of ridding the body of excessive iron. The excess iron gets stored in the tissues in the body and also is stored in the liver, heart and pancreas. When the iron gets to a dangerously high amount, it can cause damage and failure to other organs in the body. The treatment for this hemostatic disease, is to remove some of the blood from the body, thereby reducing the amount of blood in the body, which in turn reduces the amount of iron.
Symptoms of Hemostatic disease
Some of the common symptoms of a hemostatic disease may be easily bruising, frequent nose bleeding, hard to control bleeding from small cuts, unusual knots in the legs, obvious varicose veins or feeling lethargic. Symptoms of a hemostatic disease will vary due to underlying medical conditions as well as age and health.