Can I Test My Blood Iron at Home?
Blood Iron
Iron is vital to a number of life processes. Most importantly, it allows your body to produce hemoglobin, a substance in the blood that helps it carry oxygen to the various parts of the body. If there is insufficient iron in your blood, you may suffer from a condition known as iron-deficiency anemia. Because anemia means the blood cannot carry oxygen, the symptoms include shortness of breath and chronic fatigue.
Your doctor can run a number of tests to determine the amount of iron in the blood. The most common is a CBC, or complete blood count. This will determine the amount of hemoglobin and hematocrit in the blood; the number of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets; and the average size, or MCV, of the blood cells. All these results can help determine whether you're suffering from iron-deficiency anemia or any number of other blood problems.
Home Tests
There is no scientific blood test that you can run at home to determine how much iron is in the blood. You can, however, be alert for symptoms of low blood iron. Look at your skin, nails and gums. If they're pale or yellowish, it's possible that you're suffering from low blood iron. A rapid or irregular heartbeat and shortness of breath are two other common symptoms. Further symptoms include inflammation of the tongue, restless leg syndrome, brittle nails and pica, which is a desire to eat non-nutritive substances like dirt.
If you observe any or several of these symptoms, consult your doctor about having a CBC test to check the hemoglobin levels in your blood.