Is There a Substitute for Procrit?
What Does Procrit Do?
When used properly, Procrit is a long-term therapy used to aid in hematocrit production in the body. Procrit works in conjunction with erythropoietin, a naturally occurring hormone in the body that produces red blood cells. Erythropoietin levels in the the body must be closely monitored. Procrit should not be used if erythropoietin levels are not within the recommended range for the treated condition.
How is Procrit Administered?
Procrit is administered by injection intramuscularly. Intramuscular means into the muscle. Good locations for these injections include the upper arm (deltoid), middle of the thigh (vastus lateralis), hip muscle (ventrogluteal muscle) and the buttock (dorsogluteal muscle). You or your caregiver will be taught how to give the shots properly in an outpatient setting.
Procrit should not be used in patients with uncontrolled high blood pressure or other heart related problems. There are some side effects related to use of Procrit, though these are usually mild. They include dizziness, nausea, headache, diarrhea, headache, shortness of breath and high blood pressure. In some instances, Procrit has been linked to polycythemia (too many red blood cells).
Is Aranesp a Good Substitute for Procrit?
Aranesp, darbepoetin alpha, works similarly to Procrit though it is a different drug. It, too, is an acceptable substitute for Procrit based on your doctor's evaluation of your condition. Some patients respond better to Aranesp than they do to other treatment options. You should not use these drugs interchangeably without your doctor's consent.
Is Procrit Available in Pill Form?
Procrit, and similar medications, do not come in an oral formulation.