Blood Sugar Level Effects
Everyone above the age of 25 should undergo blood sugar tests every three years. There are two kinds of tests to determine the blood sugar levels: fasting plasma glucose test and oral glucose tolerance test.
The ideal blood sugar levels should be between 80 mg/dl and 100 mg/dl.
Blood sugar from 100 to 125mg/dl is considered pre-diabetic condition, and blood sugar above 126 mg/dl is diabetic.
Low Blood Sugar
Hypoglycemia is the result of insufficient food, physical exertion and alcohol consumption.
The symptoms of low blood sugar are dizziness, hunger, light headedness, sweating, speech difficulty, feeling weak and sleepiness. Drink fruit juice or eat something sweet to relieve these symptoms.
Don't drive while experiencing symptoms of low blood sugar because they can also cause fainting spells and seizures.
High Blood Sugar
Hyperglycemia or diabetes is a result of a high glucose content in your blood. Your blood sugar level can increase due to the wrong kinds of food, medications like insulin or pills and a lack of exercise.
The common symptoms of high sugar levels are frequent and copious urination, thirst even when drinking plenty, feeling tired and an unexplained loss of weight.
High blood sugar levels can lead to heart attack, kidney, nerve and vision problems.
Natural Cures
With a doctor's advice, you can try some natural remedies to control blood sugar like bitter melon and cinnamon. There are also dietary supplements that help: gymnema sylvestre (herb or supplement), alpha lipoic acid, chromium, licorice bark extract and zinc.
Your physician can suggest the right diet and supplements for you to maintain your blood sugar. If you have any blood sugar related conditions, monitor your blood sugar regularly. Walking, jogging, biking and other physical activities are beneficial if you are trying to control your sugar levels.
Medications also affect your blood sugar. Consult your doctor before starting medications for any condition.
Illnesses can also alter sugar levels, so regularly checking blood sugar is a good idea if you have any pre-existing blood sugar conditions. Sometimes a hormone imbalance alters your blood sugar. Talk to your physician for the proper approach to dealing with hormone and blood sugar complications.