Alternative Medicine for Treatment of Varicose Veins
Endovenous Thermal Ablation
While endovenous thermal ablation is a type of surgery, it is much less invasive than previously popular varicose vein surgery options. Veins become varicose when they become weakened and are unable to push blood back to the heart; blood begins to pool in the vein causing it to become enlarged and visible. During endovenous thermal ablation, a catheter is inserted into the vein and the surgeon transmits heat, from either radio frequency waves or lasers, through it into the vein. Upon withdrawal, the heat works to collapse the vein and fuse it shut. This results in the blood taking a new path and flowing through the healthier veins surrounding the varicose vein. This type of surgery allows the patient to resume normal activities in just a few days.
Should surgery not be an option for some reason, hydrotherapy can be an effective remedy for varicose veins. The principal behind this treatment is that exposure to alternating cold and hot water helps to stimulate circulation. Hydrotherapy can be practiced at home or in a therapist's office. If done at home you will just need two buckets or containers that are big enough to accommodate both of your legs, with the water level high enough to cover them up to your knees. One of the containers will be filled with hot water that is comfortable enough to stand in, but hot enough to stay fairly warm for about 15 minutes. The other container will be filled with cold water that is comfortable enough to stand in, but noticeably cold. First soak your legs in the hot water for 3 to 5 minutes then immediately put the legs in the container with the cold water for only about 30 seconds. The transfer from container to container should be repeated three times and be done once a day. Results should be seen after a month of hydrotherapy. Epsom salts or aromatherapy oils can also be added to make the therapy even more relaxing and enjoyable.
As with many ailments and conditions, there are a variety of herbs that can be used to remedy varicose veins. Some herbs are taken orally as a pill or tea, while others are applied topically to the veins. Horse chestnut is one of the most commonly used herb for the treatment and strengthening of varicose veins. The herb has been used for centuries, beginning in ancient Chinese medicine, to relieve symptoms associated with the veins and the circulatory system. Unfortunately the FDA claims horse chestnut is unsafe because it can be toxic to some people and is not to be used by people with liver or kidney problems. There is also no definitive data supporting the theory that it can reverse vericose veins.
Herbs that have been found to be effective when applied topically include chamomile, comfrey, white oak bark and witch hazel.