Coumiden Side Effects
The most common side effect of Coumadin is sudden, potentially fatal bleeding or hemorrhaging. A hemorrhage from Coumadin has the potential to affect any organ or tissue in your body.
Common Symptoms
Common symptoms of an internal hemorrhage include headaches, chest pain, tingling in your extremities, paralysis of one or more limbs, joint or muscle pain, dizziness, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing or swallowing, swelling or weakness.
Drug Interactions
A number of drugs increase your risk of developing a hemorrhage from Coumadin, including pain relievers, antibiotics, anticonvulsants, antidepressants, malaria medications, diabetic medications, antifungals, vaccines, certain vitamins and medical steroids.
Coumadin poses a rare risk for necrosis, or death, of your skin, resulting in a painful shedding of your skin. Impaired liver functioning and angina are additional complications associated with Coumadin.
Because of the risk of bleeding, your doctor may not prescribe Coumadin for your treatment if you have a history of blood cell deficiencies, cancer, congestive heart failure, chronic diarrhea, liver disease, hepatitis A, B or C, jaundice, hyperthyroidism, being underweight or a vitamin K deficiency.