Complications of High Blood Sugars
Hyperglycemia produces symptoms that include fatigue, excessive thirst, dehydration that is usually caused by increased urination, weight loss, vision changes, moodiness, muscle cramps, hand and feet numbness or tingling and yeast infections. If you have any of these symptoms, you should schedule an appointment with your doctor immediately to test your blood sugar. Proper maintenance of glucose levels can help reduce these symptoms.
Glucose provides energy for your body's cells. When glucose levels are high, your cells are not getting the proper amount of glucose needed. This creates a lack of energy, which causes you to feel tired and unwell. This is also the most common reason people suffer from feelings of moodiness when their blood sugar is high. If you are feeling fatigued, you are more likely to feel irritable.
According to "All blood is filtered by the kidney. If there is excess glucose in the blood, this also goes to the kidneys." Although they are made to re-absorb glucose in order to recycle it, excessive amounts of glucose halt the kidneys' ability to do so, which means that glucose and water are lost through frequent urination. Frequent urinating can lead to dehydration, thirst and weight loss.
Vision problems associated with high blood sugar is usually the result of diabetic retinopathy, which is a "leading cause of vision impairment in the United States," according to George L. King, M.D. Diabetic retinopathy is progressive and damages the retina, which creates blurred vision and sensitivity to light.
The New York State Department of Health states that "If you fail to treat hyperglycemia, a condition called ketoacidosis could occur." Ketoacidosis occurs when your body lacks insulin. It is a serious and potentially life-threatening complication. "If ketoacidosis is not treated right away, it can cause diabetic coma or death," says the University of Michigan Health System."
Considerations for Diabetics
If you have diabetes, you should regularly check your blood sugar. Causes of hyperglycemia in diabetics are usually the result of eating too many foods that are high in carbohydrates, missing a dose of insulin or medication, infection and illness. If you are a diabetic, you should speak with your doctor about an at-home insulin kit. A home kit will allow you to regularly check your blood sugar level. Knowing your blood sugar level before it is too high can help save your life.
Your doctor may recommend that you take an insulin correction bolus to treat high blood sugar. Buy a home testing kit so that you can check your blood sugar level regularly. Reduce your level of activity so you can avoid becoming overheated, which may increase the risk of dehydration if your blood sugar level is high. Consume plenty of fluids, especially water, that do not contain carbs or sugars. If you feel hungry as a result of high blood sugar, you should remember to avoid foods that contain carbs. Eat a small, sugar-free snack to curb your appetite.