Risk Behaviors for High Blood Pressure
Inactivity may lead to unhealthy weight gain; the greater your weight, the greater your blood pressure. Losing weight, even 10 pounds, lowers your blood pressure.
Poor Eating Habits
High intakes of sodium, fats and cholesterol all raise your blood pressure. On the other hand, eating fruits, vegetables and whole grains has the opposite effect.
Alcohol Consumption
Alcoholic drinks not only raise your blood pressure, but they also add unneeded calories to your diet. Drink only in moderation.
Tobacco Use
Tobacco contains nicotine, a substance that makes your heart work harder. It consequently spikes your blood pressure, so try to lay off the cigarettes and chew.
Neglect of Prescription Drugs
If you already have high blood pressure, your doctor may recommend any number of prescription drugs. Stick with your prescription regimen.