Spleen Pain Symptoms
Pain and Other Symptoms
The abdominal pain an enlarged spleen causes may spread to your left arm or shoulder. Eating very little, but still feeling full, can point to spleen enlargement. This happens when your spleen grows to the point of pressing on your stomach, causing you to feel full.
The Spleen in Action
Your spleen does more than you think. It filters out tired blood cells, helps your blood clot and produces white blood cells, the bodies infection-fighting cells.
Causes of Spleen Enlargement
Viral, bacterial and parasitic infections can cause your spleen to enlarge. Blood cancers and diseases of the liver can also produce enlargement of the organ.
Blood Issues
Some people with an enlarged spleen experience some blood issues. If you bleed easily, or experience anemia, you may have an enlarged spleen.
Health care professionals target the underlying cause when treating splenomegaly. Infections are treated with antibiotics. Removal of the spleen, or splenectomy, is done only in serious cases, although a person can live without the organ.