Diet to Raise Low Blood Platelets
Function and Treatment
The function of blood platelets is the formation of blood clots, which in turn will prevent serious blood loss. An adequate number of platelets is needed to prevent some possible leaking of the red blood vessels. There is usually an underlying cause for LPC (low platelet count) and it can be treated with medications, changes in medication or surgery. If it is very severe, a blood transfusion may be necessary according to the Mayo Clinic.
Macrobiotic Diet
The Platelet Disorder Support Association recommends a macrobiotic diet for those suffering with low blood platelet count. Low platelet count is considered an expansive disease where blood literally expands through the vessel walls. It is advocated that people with this disease eat what is called a contractive diet to bring some balance. The diet will be instrumental in reducing acidity in the blood.
Macrobiotic Foods
The macrobiotic diet is made up mostly of fresh, cooked foods. All processed foods are eliminated from this particular diet. Foods that are generally omitted are alcohol, all sugars, fruit and raw foods. You can salt your foods to taste while cooking. Night shade vegetables are not sanctioned, such as peppers, eggplant, tomatoes and potatoes. Legumes of all sorts such as beans, lentils and quinoa are acceptable. Dairy products are not recommended. A small amount of fish will work on this diet.
Food Allergies
Many people have allergic reactions to food, from mild to severe. Avoiding foods that cause some kind of allergic reaction will help boost the immune system. Eliminating foods that are processed, cured or pre-cooked will promote body healing.