Which Blood Vessels Carry Blood From the Upper & Lower Parts of the Body?
Vena Cava
Both the superior and inferior vena cava carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart in order for it to be pumped to the lungs and reoxygenated. The superior branch carries the blood from the upper part of the body and head region and delivers it into the right atrium of the heart. The inferior vena cava carries the blood from the lower part of the body and also delivers the blood to the right atrium. The smaller capillaries and veins of the body are the feeders for these two primary veins.
The aorta, that largest artery in the human body, has several branches that allow it to pump oxygenated blood that has already been to the lungs from the left ventricle, into the body, to deliver oxygen to the tissues. The ascending aorta is the branch that pumps blood to the upper parts of the body and head while the descending aorta sends blood to the lower parts of the body. All other arteries are connected to the aorta and receive their blood supply from it.
Right Side of Heart
The right side of the heart is the side of the heart that accepts deoxygenated blood, which has lost some oxygen to the body tissues and picked up carbon dioxide and waste. Deoxygenated blood is carried by the smaller veins to the vena cava, which then deposits the blood into the right atria. From there, the blood is carried to the lungs and oxygenated.
Left Side of Heart
The left side of the heart accepts the oxygen rich blood that comes from the lungs and pumps it out to the body. The aorta is the artery that is responsible for the delivery of that blood to all the smaller arteries.
It is essential for all areas of the body to have a decent oxygen supply. The body manages this by having an expansive network of blood vessels that allow for optimal performance and delivery. Arteries and veins, working in concert with the capillaries found throughout the body tissue, keep tissues nourished and free of waste products. If a vein or artery is damaged, the entire system is compromised. If the vena cava or aorta is damaged, the problem must be fixed immediately.