Common Blood Infections
Sepsis occurs when an infection has spread to the bloodstream and the body begins to fight it off. Sepsis can develop when the toxin such as a virus, fungus or bacteria enters the blood or when the body's immune system begins to attack the bloodstream. When the bloodstream is infected, low blood pressure known as "shock" occurs.
Symptoms of a blood infection may include chills, shakes, confusion, disorientation, agitation, dizziness and decreased urination. Some patients may develop a reddish discoloration on the skin or dark red dots all over the body as well as a rash. Pain will develop in the joints of the wrists, elbows, back, hips, ankles and knees. A faster-than-normal heart beat may be accompanied by rapid breaths.
A blood infection is a severe medical emergency that requires the immediate attention of a doctor. Patients are usually put on oxygen. The medication for sepsis will depend on test results but they may include antibiotics or a salt solution. Depending on the severity of infection surgery or drainage of the infection may be required. For severe blood infections patients may be admitted to an intensive care unit. Patients with sepsis have a higher rate of recovery if it is treated in the early stage.
Patients that are being treated for cancer with radiation or chemotherapy, diabetes, AIDS or have had a previous organ transplant are at a higher risk of not fully recovering from a blood infection. Newborns less than 2 months old with symptoms of sepsis should be taken to the emergency room.
The survival rate among elderly patients who have other illnesses, patients with compromised immune systems and patients with advanced sepsis that are on certain medication can be 20 percent. The survival rate is 95 percent in healthy adults with a strong immune system. Sepsis has an overall death rate of 40 percent, but this includes patients that may have had a delay in treatment or may have waited until the illness advanced to get a diagnosis.