How to Protect Small Blood Vessels

Our blood vessels supply blood throughout the body, distributing oxygen and needed nutrition. Maintaining the health of our blood vessels can help prevent dangerous medical conditions that could result in diminished blood supply, stroke or heart disease.


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      Exercise is vital to maintain circulatory health. Science Daily reports a study showing that the blood vessels of older athletes perform just as well as those of people half their age. This shows the benefit of exercise for protecting small blood vessels. Thankfully, it isn't necessary to become a professional athlete to reap the benefits of physical activity. Aerobic activity at least five days a week is recommended. Walking is an excellent and pleasant option that almost anyone can do. Proper weight control is also very important to circulatory health and exercise can control this problem, too.

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      The National Post suggests that the famous Atkins diet may damage blood vessels because it is high in fat. They suggest lower fat alternatives, such as the South Beach diet.

      Eating fruits and vegetables will provide the body with antioxidants, such as vitamins A, B, C and E, which studies show protect the heart and circulatory system.

      Giving up meat is not required for healthy small blood vessels, but following some simple guidelines will help. Eat skinless chicken or turkey. Try using ground chicken or turkey instead of ground beef. Many kinds of fish such as salmon, mackerel, trout and tuna are highly recommended. Pork tenderloin is another health alternative if the fat is trimmed. For many people tofu is an enjoyable meat alternative that is fat free.

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      Stop smoking immediately. The medical website reports that smoking disrupts the delivery of oxygen to blood vessels. Many experts suggest that even secondhand smoke can cause blood vessel damage and should be avoided.

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      See your doctor if you suspect you have medical issues. There are certain conditions that attack the blood vessels that will require medical attention.

      For example, discusses Raynaud's phenomenon on its website. This is a disease that results in discolorations of the fingers and toes due to exposure to cold or hot. Temperature changes cause blood vessels spasm which limits the blood supply to affected areas. This condition can lead to more serious issues if left untreated.

      Diabetes can also cause issues with blood vessels, particularly affecting the eyes, kidneys and nerves.

      Many doctors suggest patients take a low dose aspirin for circulatory and heart health.

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