Blood Clot Pain Relief
Address the blood clot. Your doctor will prescribe a medication to help thin the blood and prevent the clot from getting bigger. These medications will also prevent new clots from forming. Anticoagulant medications are used for blood clots. Heparin is the most common anticoagulant and is injected into the skin at the site of the clot. Coumadin is another medication that is used to thin the blood. Normal dosage of Coumadin is 2 to 5 mg by mouth per day. Once the clot has diminished the pain will subside. Aspirin can be taken as directed by your physician for pain. Aspirin also acts as a blood thinner.
Moist Heat
Apply moist heat at the site of the clot. Heat will help the clot to break apart and can also help to reduce tenderness. Soaking in a warm tub or applying a warm, wet towel to the area for at least 15 minutes at a time will usually help ease pain. Heat can be applied several times per day as needed. Heat is usually used in combination with other forms of treatment.
When you have been diagnosed with a blood clot you will most likely be put on bed rest. While you are resting you should keep the area elevated higher than your heart. This will help reduce swelling, which is usually one of the causes of the pain. Keeping the area elevated and getting plenty of rest will help the clot to diminish. Elevation also reduces the symptoms of deep vein thrombosis.