Facts About Homocysteine Disease
A buildup of homocysteine in the body can lead to advanced heart disease, peripheral vascular disease and stroke. It can also cause heart attacks in some patients.
The major causes of the disease are genetics and diet. Those with a diet high in Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12 and folic acid have a lesser chance of developing the condition.
Doctors can test the levels of homocysteine in patients. Those with a higher level can take precautions to reduce their levels and reduce their chances of developing the disease. It is typically done in those with a history of heart disease.
Prevention of homocysteine disease relies heavily on diet. A diet high in leafy greens and whole grains contain folic acid and vitamins that lower the homocysteine levels.
Serious Complications
When the homocysteine levels grow larger, blood clots are possible. These clots travel through the bloodstream and can cause tears in the walls of the arteries.