Symptoms of Low Blood Iron
Asymptomatic Anemia
Early anemia might not be recognized at first because it can be very mild or develop gradually. Only when the anemia becomes more severe does the person notice how little energy they have.
Early Symptoms
Because of the lack of oxygen, people with anemia tire easily. They might also complain of feeling weak. Their skin often has a pallor because the body is not supplying oxygen-rich blood; other areas, such as the gums and the nails, can become brittle and lose their normal pink tinge and become pale or even grayish from lack of oxygen.
Breathing Difficulties
More serious signs of anemia result from the body's essentially being starved for oxygen, resulting in breathlessness, a dizzy feeling or headaches.
Heart Problems
When the heart suffers from lack of oxygen, it tries harder to fill the body's needs. The stress of pumping harder can lead to enlargement or erratic heartbeat. Chest pain called angina results when the heart muscle does not get enough oxygen. Very severe conditions can evetually lead to death from heart failure.
An unusual symptom of anemia is a condition called "pica" in which a person wants to eat items that are not considered food. Dirt and starch are just two of the more common cravings noted.
Birth Problems
Babies of women with anemia can be born prematurely and also suffer from low birth weight.This is why doctors commonly prescribe iron supplements for their pregnant patients.
Cold or Restless Legs
The extremities of people with anemia might feel cold because they are not receiving a good supply of iron-rich blood. In addition, some people can feel a strange tingling in their legs which causes them to move constantly. Called "restless legs syndrome," the problem is especially notable at night when it disrupts sleep.