How to Increase Blood in Your Body
Doctors employ various methods to increase the amount of blood in a patient who is rapidly losing blood due to hypovolemia, and to increase red blood cells or hemoglobin count for anemic patients.
Things You'll Need
- Oxygen cylinder and mask Intravenous catheter and IV fluids Needle Blood supply Vitamin B-12 (shots or tablets) Iron-rich foods
Hypovolemia Treatment
Call 911. The emergency medical unit that shows up will apply pressure to the site of the injury to reduce further blood loss.
Administer oxygen. Check that the oxygen device is on and place the mask over the face of the injured person. The existing blood in the person's body will work more efficiently if the person is oxygenated.
Use an intravenous catheter to administer fluids to the patient. These fluids will make up for the lost blood.
Take the patient to a hospital for a blood transfusion and/or surgical treatment.
Verify the patient's blood type to procure blood of the same type for a transfusion.
Use a needle to administer blood through an IV into the patient's vein.
Anemia Treatment
Take vitamin B-12 shots or tablets to increase and sustain production of healthy red blood cells.
Take iron supplements or add to your diet foods rich in iron. Eat green leafy vegetables, beans, soy, seafood, vitamin-C rich foods, or dry cereals.
Treat any existing inflammations or infections with antibiotics. Severe inflammation or infection can lead to further loss of blood.
Ask your doctor for erythropoietin injections. This hormone is normally produced by the kidneys and liver when there is a shortage of oxygen in the blood. It stimulates bone marrow activity and thereby red blood cell production. These cells carry oxygen to tissues in the body.
Resort to blood transfusion in extreme cases.