Signs of Low Blood Oxygen
Shortness of Breath
Severe, sudden shortness of breath that hinders normal functioning is a sign of hypoxemia. Seek emergency help.
High-Altitude Sickness
High-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE), commonly known as high-altitude sickness, results in shortness of breath accompanied by headache, coughing and an inability to sweat.
Cyanosis is a bluish discoloration of the mucus membranes and the skin--usually under the fingernails and in the lips--that can occur when oxygen flow to the blood is severely restricted.
Medical Test
In a medical environment, blood can be tested for its level of oxygen. Hypoxemia can also be detected with a pulse oximeter, which is clipped onto a finger.
Hypoxemia should not be confused with hypoxia, a condition of low oxygen in organs or tissues that can be caused by hypoxemia.