What Is an Hgb Blood Test?
What is Hemoglobin?
Hemoglobin is the protein that is responsible for supplying your blood cells with oxygen. Although the values are different depending on the type of blood cell, the hemoglobin value for a healthy adult is set between twelve and eighteen grams per one hundred milliliters of blood.
How is Blood Drawn for the Hgb Blood Test?
The blood that is needed to perform the Hgb blood test is taken by needle through one of your veins. Although, the vein of the inner arm is the common site for blood to be drawn, if the veins in the hand are more pronounced the blood can be drawn from there.
What Does a Hgb Blood Test Determine?
Labtestsonline.org explains that the purpose of an Hgb blood test is to determine the amount of hemoglobin that exists in your blood as well as, how well it is supplying your blood cells with oxygen. In patients with bleeding problems such as, heavy menstrual flows, an Hgb test can determine levels of anemia.
High Hgb Results
A blood test that reflects a high Hgb result may indicate that your kidneys are not functioning as they should be. According to mayoclinic.com, your kidneys may be eliminating too much protein, or that your bone marrow is overproducing red blood cells. High Hgb may also denote dehydration or possibly a lung disorder.
Low Hgb Results
Low Hgb results may signify anemia, cirrhosis of the liver, and excessive bleeding. According to Anemia.org, severe anemia is present with an Hgb of under 8.0, and can be life threatening. A low Hgb reading can also represent low iron, vitamin B12 and folate. Another form of anemia known as aplastic anemia may also play a role in low Hgb results, which means that the bone marrow is not producing enough red blood cells.