Symptoms of Hypochromic Anemia
Feeling of Weakness
Most patients with hypochromic anemia suffer from weakness. They have little or no energy and feel tired for no reason. They feel they can't get enough rest or sleep. These patients also look tired. Their skin will look extremely pale, and their nails will become brittle and very white. Some will get jaundice, a yellowing of the skin.
Rapid Heart Beat
A rapid heart beat and shortness of breath are frequently seen in people with hypochromic anemia. A heart rate that is more than 100 beats per minute is considered fast. Severe anemia will often cause heart palpitations.
Signs of Depression
Some hypochromic anemia patients become clinically depressed. They may have headaches and find concentration and memory to be problems.
An unusual symptom sometimes seen is pica. This is eating non-food items, such as paper, wax, dirt or hair. The person may crunch on ice constantly. Doctors say there seems to be a connection between pica and iron deficiency. Consuming non-food items affects the body's ability to absorb iron.
Many Symptoms
Some of the other symptoms of hypochromic anemia include constipation, dizziness, sore mouth, cold hands and feet and, for females, cessation of periods. Because there are numerous symptoms and many are ordinary complaints, a considerable number of people with hypochromic anemia don't see a doctor until they are quite ill.