Types of Blood Tests for Patients
White Blood Cells
The CBC (complete blood count) is one of the most used blood tests. It is used to help diagnose certain viruses and diseases and see how well the body is responding to treatments. Eosinophils is another common test that can determine how your body is responding to treatments and it can detect some infections caused by allergies
Red Blood Cells
The hematocrit test can help doctors determine if a patient is anemic. The reticulocyte blood test can help narrow down a specific type of anemia
Iron Tests
The ferritin iron test is the most accurate test to measure total amount of iron in the body.
Sickle Cell Test
This test is fairly obvious because it tests for sickle cell disease.
This test is used to detect cyanosis. The symptoms to this disease are not many, which makes this test a good option for those patients who are suspected of having cyanosis.