How to live with sickle cell disease
Although Sickle Cell Anemia is a serious disease that can have a major affect on a person and their family, it is possible to lead a productive and happy life with it. Because sickle cell disease can affect different people in different ways, you should always make sure to talk with your doctor before doing anything.Instructions
Get really comfortable with your doctor. Make sure you have a good relationship because you will be seeing that person fairly regularly. People with sickle cell have to check in with their doctor to get check ups every six months or so.
Take care of your body. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Drink 8 glasses of water a day. Exercise regularly (under the advisement of your doctor).
Adopt a relaxed lifestyle. While it is impossible to totally avoid stress, keeping yourself healthy means not getting too caught up in it. Find healthy ways to relieve stress. If you're exercising regularly, that should help.
Visit your doctor regularly. Don't skimp on the doctor appointments. Regular communication with your doctor will help you to stay healthy. Sickle cell is a complex disease that affects people in different ways so constant communication with your doctor is key.
Enjoy life fully. Sometimes people with a condition can live life too carefully or in fear. Don't do that. As long as you are following your doctor's advice and taking care of yourself, you should make sure to take life by both horns and enjoy it to the fullest.