How to Manage Sickle Cell Disease Holistically
Eat a diet rich in thiocynate. A regular diet rich in thiocynate has been shown to protect the body against the painful effects of Sickle Cell disease. The symptoms of Sickle Cell are rarely seen in Africa, Jamaica and other countries where the diet typically includes foods like yams, cassava, lima beans, cabbage and other thiocynate whole-processed food.
Drink Prickly Ash Bark as a tea. Prickly Ash Bark comes from a tree commonly known as "Fagara" in Nigeria. It has been successfully used for pain management by the Nigerian Health Services. Prickly Ash Bark has been said to reduce the length and frequency of a painful crisis by up to 70 percent when consumed regularly. It can be taken as a tincture or brewed as a tea.
Try yoga. Yoga helps Sickle Cell sufferers by improving flexibility and blood circulation, boosting the immune system and strengthening muscles. Yoga is also a great tool for stress management.
Use hypnosis for pain management. Hypno-analgesia (hypnosis for pain management) might decrease acute, chronic pain associated with dental procedures, labor and other conditions. It is a technique used to heighten one's level of concentration while minimizing distraction, including pain. This can be a useful tool for mild to moderate pain.