How to Treat Raynaud's Disease
Speak to your doctor about possible prescriptions that can be helpful. Calcium channel blockers and alpha blockers can be used to improve the circulation in areas that are affected by Raynaud's disease.
Stimulate the affected area. If you are experiencing Raynaud's symptoms, move and wiggle your extremities. This improves the blood flow.
Place your hands or toes in warm water. Warm, but not hot, water can cause the symptoms of Raynaud's disease to subside.
Wear warm clothing. If you are going outside in the cold, wear gloves, a hat and a scarf along with thick socks. Keeping your body warm prevents an attack from occurring. If you are handling cold items indoors, wear gloves.
Keep the air conditioner at a mild temperature. Air conditioning that blows out very cold air can cause a flare up of Raynaud's disease. Set the air conditioning at a cool, but not very cold temperature.
Move to a warmer area if the Raynaud's disease is affecting the quality of your life. If you have severe Raynaud's, you may want to move away from a cold weather climate.