How to Support Someone With Anemia
Support Someone With Anemia
Get informed. The best thing you can do to support someone with anemia is to understand what he is going through. Learn what to expect, what symptoms are normal and when to seek immediate medical help. This is especially important in the case of very young children or elderly people who depend on others for their health care.
Offer to help, but be ready to butt out if asked. Most adults will feel uncomfortable asking for help with their everyday tasks unless they are feeling really sick or sluggish. Let loved ones know you are there to help and then wait to be asked.
Take over some daily tasks, such as driving the kids to school or doing the laundry. Since many people who suffer from anemia are tired and lack energy, helping with everyday activities can take some of the pressure off of them and help them feel better, faster. This is especially important for people suffering from severe anemia, which can cause shortness of breath, heart palpitations and impaired immune function.
Provide a stable environment. Stress takes a toll on both the mind and body, so making sure someone with anemia doesn't have to deal with it will probably help her feel less tired and worn out.
Show your support by cooking balanced meals, or by helping someone with anemia shop for healthy foods. Many people don't eat enough fresh vegetables because they simply don't know how to shop for and prepare them. If you have the opportunity to spend some time in the kitchen, you can help by creating a few recipes that provide vitamins, fiber and minerals to your loved one.
Encourage the person to be active, as exercise can help fight tiredness and stress. Choose light activities such as walking and biking, and offer to join in to provide support. Exercise can be a lot more enticing if you gossip or chat while walking.