How to Treat Fractured Ribs
Things You'll Need
- Ice packs
- Over-the-counter pain medication
If you feel that you have sustained an injury severe enough to have possibly fractured your ribs, seek immediate medical attention. Such injuries can also often cause internal bleeding and damage vital organs.
After you've been diagnosed with fractured ribs, begin your treatment by icing the affected area once every 1 to 2 hours for about 20 minutes at a stretch. This process may be very painful, but it will help speed recovery and will mitigate pain in the end.
Take over-the-counter pain medication, or ask your physician to prescribe you a stronger medication to help manage your pain. This will not only help minimize the pain your fractured ribs cause you, but it will also permit you to do what you need to do to get better faster.
Take a deep breath, as deep as you can bear, 3 to 5 times an hour while recovering from fractured ribs. This will be painful but is necessary to help you avoid pneumonia. Your health care provider may give you a small machine to breathe into to help you keep track of how deep you are able to breathe and to provide incentive to breathe deeper. Because of the pain of fractured ribs, the ability to breathe deeply can be hampered. Pneumonia can occur after broken ribs if the lungs are not exercised and opened to full capacity regularly.