How to Treat a Broken Fibula
The fibula is a small bone on the outside of the ankle. When you twist your ankle, fall or experience a blow to the ankle, the fibula can break. A broken ankle can be extremely painful, swollen, bruised and tender, and it may look deformed and be unable to support weight. Treatment of a fibula fracture, also called a lateral malleolus fracture, is based on the location and severity of the injury. Some broken fibulas can simply be protected as they heal, but others require surgical correction. See your doctor to determine the right treatment.Instructions
Have the ankle immobilized. Your doctor may place a cast on the area to hold the bone in place so it can heal. In some cases, a high-topped tennis shoe can be used to protect a minor fracture, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
Consider surgery if your doctor recommends it. Metal plates, screws and rods can be used to stabilize the ankle and hold the bone together while it heals, according to Mount Sinai Medical Center.
Ask your doctor about pain medication if you have severe pain in the area.
Talk to your doctor about physical therapy. You may be asked to perform exercises on your own to strengthen and restore motion in your ankle, or you may be referred to a physical therapist who can help you recover.