Sideswipe Elbow Injuries
Sideswipe elbow injuries occur when drivers or passengers hang their arm out the window. If the car is involved in an accident, their arm is exposed outside of the protective frame of the car, and can become crushed. The injury is named after a sideswipe car accident, in which the sides of two cars collide.
Broken Bones
The damage to an arm pinned in an accident is often quite extensive. The bones in the elbow and arm are likely to have broken in more than one place, with a complete shattering of the arm a possibility.
Other Injuries
Other potential dangers of a sideswipe injury include blood loss and muscle damage. The crushing of the arm will often lead to deep abrasions or cuts which can bleed profusely, making blood loss a concern, and the crushing blow can tear muscles and tendons, which will require surgery to mend.
What to Do If Injured
If you are injured in an accident, it is important to remain calm. Call for help if you are able to, either by calling emergency services or alerting passing motorists to do so for you. Do not attempt to move if you are not in immediate danger in your current location, as moving could further damage your arm. Keep the arm immobilized while you wait for help to arrive.
What to Do If Witnessed
Call emergency services immediately if you discover an individual who is suffering from a sideswipe elbow injury. Instruct him not to panic and to keep his arm immobilized. Talk to the individual, and ask questions to keep him alert to reduce the risk of going into shock.
Avoiding Sideswipe Injuries
The key to avoiding suffering a sideswipe injury is to simply avoid driving or riding with your arm hanging outside of the car where it can get pinned. If you wish to have your arm up, rest your elbow on the inside of the car window, with your arm inside the vehicle. If you find that your natural tendency leads to your arm slipping back out the window, try riding with your window up until you are no longer used to letting your arm hang out.