How to Apply a Plaster Cast to the Ankle
Things You'll Need
- Rubber gloves
- Water
- Cotton padding
- Fiberglass rolls
- Plaster rolls
Fiberglass Casts
Put on a pair of rubber gloves. If you are using latex, make sure the patient does not have a latex allergy.
Position the foot and ankle to form a 90-degree angle.
Apply cotton padding to help protect the lower leg, ankle and foot from irritation. Apply the padding in a circular motion starting just below the knee and continue until the padding covers the foot. Leave the toes exposed unless otherwise indicated by the physician. Apply extra padding around the foot and near the top of the cast to prevent cuts and blisters.
Ask the patient what color cast they prefer since fiberglass comes in a variety of colors. Take the chosen color of fiberglass and submerge it into water. Apply the fiberglass to the leg quickly. It should be applied in the same circular motion as the cotton padding.
Allow the cast to dry for a few minutes.
Plaster Casts
Put on a pair of latex gloves for hygienic purposes. Make sure the patient does not have a latex allergy.
Position the foot and ankle to form a 90-degree angle.
Apply a soft cotton layer. Wrap the cotton padding in a circular motion. Start just below the knee and stop just before the toes. Apply a second layer for added comfort.
Open a roll of plaster. Immerse the unrolled plaster into warm water. Wrap the plaster roll in a circular motion over the layer of cotton padding. Smooth out any bumps or air bubbles.
Apply a second layer of plaster. Smooth it out and allow it to dry.