How to Use Ankle Air Splints
Things You'll Need
- Talcum powder
- Hand pump (optional)
Check the patient's foot for circulation and sensation. If you cannot touch the patient's foot, ask them to gently move their toes and confirm they have feeling.
Sprinkle the inside of the splint with talcum powder and rub it all over the inside plastic area. This will prevent the plastic from sticking to the patient's skin.
Hold the patient's ankle steady by holding both the lower leg and foot. Place one of your hands through the heel of the splint and slowly slide the foot and ankle into the splint. This will keep the foot steady.
Continue holding the area around the ankle as steady as possible while zipping up the splint. You may need to have a second person assist you with the zipper while you use both hands to hold the foot steady.
Inflate the splint using the mouth inflation tube or a hand pump. Gently move your hand out of the splint as the splint inflates and is able to support the foot. Stop inflating when you can make a slight dent in the plastic by pressing it with your thumb.
Check to make sure the patient still has feeling in their toes. If there is no feeling, deflate the splint slightly until the patient regains feeling.
Elevate the leg above the patient's heart and check the splint every few minutes to make sure air is not leaking out.