How to Walk in an Ankle Aircast
Things You'll Need
- Crutches
- Socks
Walking With Crutches
Adjust the crutches to the proper height. Most crutches have two buttons you push to unlock the crutch. Lift the crutch or push it down to adjust it. Twist it to force the buttons to lock into place. According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, there should be a 1- to 1 1/2-inch gap between the top of the crutches and the armpit.
Stand up and hold the crutches next to your legs. Bend your elbows slightly. Bend the knee of the leg with the Aircast.
Use your arms to move the crutches one foot in front of you. Move the injured ankle wrapped in the Aircast forward, but do not apply pressure to it, unless advised to by a doctor or using a walking brace. Step forward with the uninjured leg. Distribute your weight between your injured leg and the crutches.
Repeat until you reach the destination.
Walking Without Crutches
Put on a pair of thick, tall socks. Place your injured ankle in the Aircast and fasten the clasps. The cast should fit snugly, but not too tight.
Stand up straight with your shoulders back.
Step forward as normal with the uninjured food.
Bend the injured leg's knee and step forward. Touch the heel of the Aircast to the ground first, and then lower the toe of the Aircast to the ground. Distribute your weight evenly between each leg. Continue until you reach your destination.