What Are the Benefits of More Than Five Years on Alendronate?
Bone Density
Strong bones mean a strong, upright body. Strong bones require good bone density. Bone density refers to the amount of calcium and other minerals present within the bones. With age and certain chronic illnesses, bones lose calcium and other substances. Bones thin with age and old bone breaks more quickly than new bone forms. All this causes bones to weaken and even break, often with little prior warning. The Bone Mineral Density or BMD test measures bone density and provides an estimate of bone strength. Such estimates also provide the doctor the information needed to decide if a bone builder is required. If the test shows weakened bone, you hear such terms as high fracture risk and osteoporosis. The doctor may proscribe one of the medicines that, along with calcium, rebuild bones. Alendronate is one of these medicines. The patient taking Alendronate must be tested periodically to make sure the medicine is working and bones remain strong.
5 Years Plus
To lower the risk of osteoporosis and fractures, many patients started on Alendronate stay on the drug for many years, until it is no longer needed or until side effects cause the doctor to take the patient off the drug. Long-term use of five years or more on Alendronate offers benefits. Bone density increases and the bone structure stabilizes. The patient may no longer stoop when walking and will walk with more confidence. The patient on Alendronate no longer fears unexpected bone breakage.
18 Month Plus
In the short-term, if a patient discontinues Alendronate, the benefits of stronger bones may also be decreased. Bones once more begin to break down. However, from 18 months on and especially after five years or more, even when a patient stops taking Alendronate, bones remain stable and strong for up to two years or more. Even then bone loss does not accelerate. However, patients who discontinue Alendronate need to be continually monitored with bone density testing and started again on a bone building medicine should bone density decrease to dangerous levels.
Fewer Fractures
Taking Alendronate for even three years has shown a marked decrease in spinal and other fractures in post menopausal women. Those who benefited most from continuing to take Alendronate after the five-year period were those women who have previously suffered from a vertebral fracture.
Alendronate has been well researched. Studies show that most patients tolerate it well for many years. Patients continuing the drug for up to 10 years when others stop taking at five years show more bone density and strength than who those who discontinued the Alendronate.