Recovery From a Broken Fibula
The fibula is the bone commonly referred to as the calf bone. This important bone bears a lot of weight throughout our lives, and damage to the calf bone can make it incredibly difficult to walk. Proper recovery from a broken fibula takes time and effort. Doing it incorrectly can cause further damage to your leg.-
How to Spot a Broken Fibula
A broken fibula will be noticeable by severe pain at the site. The area that is damaged will also swell and be tender to the touch. The foot may also be cold or numb if the blood supply is involved in the break. You may also be able to see a physical distortion in the leg if the break is complete. This will look unnatural and frightening. It should be impossible to walk on your leg without incredibly pain. Broken fibula most often occur in people who receive a direct blow to the leg and are involved in contact sports, have bone disorders, are obese or suffer from calcium deficiency. If you suspect a broken fibula, immediately see your doctor.
Immediate First Aid
If your leg has been damaged and you suspect a broken fibula, follow these instructions. First, have a friend cover with you blankets. This will prevent shock from occurring, as a severe break can often cause immediate shock. Cut away any clothing around the area to avoid cutting off circulation due to swelling. Follow R.I.C.E: rest, ice, compression and elevation. Do this until you get to the doctor, who will then take care of you.
Once the doctor has diagnosed your fibula as broken, he will decide whether or not to set the bone. This would require repositioning the bone so that it was in the correct position for healing. This is often unnecessary as the tibia, the bone next to the fibula, keeps the fibula from moving too much. He may give you pain medicine to help deal with excess pain. Your calf will be fit into a toe-to-knee cast and you will use either crutches or a wheelchair to get around. Stay off your foot until the doctor decides it is okay to take off your cast.
Once the cast is removed, massage the area with ice. Use ice packs to massage the area for 15 minutes three or four times a day. This will help reduce swelling. Apply heat once the swelling has gone down. Hot soaks, showers or hot packs will do wonders.
Exercise will help strengthen your muscles, as they will be atrophied from lack of use. It also helps keep your fracture aligned. Walk softly for 10 to 15 minutes a day until you feel no more pain or tenderness in your leg. Begin lightly running for 10 to 15 minutes a day for up to three weeks after you no longer feel pain. Make sure to carefully stretch your leg muscles before and after each exercise to avoid muscle stiffness that may cause further damage to your leg. If your leg feels sore or begins to swell, use an ice massage before and after each workout for at least 10 minutes at a time. Don't drive until you are recovered.
A well-balanced diet high in protein will help promote faster healing. Eating more fiber and drinking more fluids will help prevent any potential constipation.