Pronation Explained
Pronation Problems
One common pronation problem is over pronation. This means the arch of the foot flattens too much when you walk. The bones of the feet begin to move inward as a result of this over-flattening. Although pronation is a subconscious problem and the foot should just automatically pronate, this doesn't always happen. Overexertion, running on an incline, or running in bad shoes are some reasons why this might not happen and why this over pronation might occur. Genetics may also contribute to over pronation. If the over pronation is left untreated, it can lead to a serious problem called tendinitis. Tendinitis is a medical condition that affects the Achilles heel. Over pronation also causes other problems, such as knee problems and hip pain.
Flat Feet
Flat feet is another pronation problem. Flat feet is common in kids, who are born with flat feet and no arches. However, arches are supposed to develop when kids learn to walk. If the arches don't develop, then the feet can't pronate properly because the feet are not the right shape. This condition usually corrects itself, but if it does not and it is persistent, tibialis posterior tendinitis can develop. Tibialis posterior tendinitis causes the ligaments and tendons in the foot to become inflamed, leading to pain and in some cases permanent disability.
Usually, doctors diagnose pronation problems by watching you walk and run, and/or by listening to your symptoms. When you do not pronate properly, this condition usually occurs all of the time or most of the time when you walk. As a result, your shoes begin to show abnormal wear patterns. A doctor can look at your shoes and identify these abnormal wear patterns, and this may also help him to diagnose pronation problems.
Generally, the best treatment for pronation is one that corrects the arch and shape of the foot, and forces the foot to hit the ground properly when you walk. Orthotics are the most common treatment, since they correct the arch and force the foot to arch properly. They are worn inside the shoe, and force the foot to assume a particular shape, which results in the correct pronation.
Pronation problems are a chronic condition, which you can't consciously change. Thus, the problem can't be prevented and once you have it, it may be chronic and last a lifetime. Fortunately, the use of orthotics is a no-risk method of treating the condition and relieving the painful symptoms associated with over or under pronation.