How to Heal a Broken Great Toe

It can take anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks to heal a broken great toe--also known as a big toe. There are a few easy steps to making sure a broken big toe heals as quickly as possible.

Things You'll Need

  • Rigid shoe
  • Pain relievers
  • Ice
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    • 1

      See your family doctor. Get an X-ray to make sure that your toe is broken, and not sprained or bruised.

    • 2

      Wear a rigid shoe. This type of footwear looks like a large sandal with two straps on the top and a "rocker sole" bottom. Rigid shoes eliminate pressure on the joint when you walk.

    • 3

      Take a pain reliever to alleviate pain for the duration of your injury.

    • 4

      Ice your great toe for around 20 minutes, four or five times per day.

    • 5

      Keep your foot elevated above your heart to reduce swelling.

    • 6

      Rest your foot. This is the best way to heal your toe as quickly as possible.

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