About Dislocated Ankles
A dislocated ankle can pop back into place by itself, or sometimes may need assistance in doing so. When a twisting or impact injury occurs, a dislocation occurs. There are two different types of dislocation--complete separation at the joint, and an incomplete separation of the joint.
You will most likely be aware if you dislocate your ankle. Not only will you remember the injury, but great pain may also follow the impact. There will be a deformity in the ankle and swelling around the ankle. The entire foot itself may also swell, depending on how you hit it. There will also be tenderness around the ankle and you will be unable to place any weight on it.
You should go to a doctor if you suspect you have dislocated your ankle to rule out any other problems with your foot. Pinched nerves or damage to blood vessels can happen with bad dislocations. A doctor will diagnose if you have a dislocated ankle by the symptoms you relay him, how the injury occurred and also by X-ray.
Treatment of the dislocated ankle all depends on the severity of the injury. A doctor may prescribe you a pain reliever or may simply suggest you take some over-the-counter medication for pain. If the ankle is dislocated moderately, the bone may be popped back into place and a splint may be put on the ankle. For severely dislocated ankles, surgery may be needed to repair the joint. If surgery is necessary, the doctor will most likely put you in a cast.
There is not a set prevention method for not dislocating your ankle. Most all dislocated ankles happen by accident. The only way to help prevent the severity of an injury is by wearing shoes that fit your foot well and offer ankle support. If you do find yourself with a dislocated ankle, proper rest and raising your ankle up can help relieve the pressure. Using a cold icepack on the ankle will help the swelling in the foot to go down also.