How to Treat Acute Rib Fractures in Boxing
The first thing to do, when you have reason to believe that such as injury has been sustained, is to immediately stop the fight. No matter what, if you suspect that your boxer's ribs have been severely fractured, or that they are injured and unable to defend themselves properly in the ring, then signal the referee to end the fight.
Call for the doctor immediately. If no doctor or medical professional is present, call your local emergency number immediately.
Do not move the boxer until they've been cleared for movement by a medical professional. Other underlying injuries can be present that make moving the injured boxer extremely dangerous. Likewise, moving someone with acute rib fractures is extremely painful to that individual and could cause the ribs to puncture vital organs like the lungs.
Keep all non-vital personnel out of the ring.
Try to keep your boxer calm and relaxed, as much so as possible considering the situation.
Once the injured boxer is cleared for movement by a medical professional, transfer them to the nearest medical facility, preferably by stretcher and ambulance.