What Muscle Knots to
Levator scapulae knots: These knots form in the muscles that connect your neck to your shoulder blades. They can cause pain in your neck, shoulders, and upper back. They can also cause headaches and dizziness.
Scalene knots: These knots form in the muscles on the sides of your neck. They can cause pain in your neck, shoulders, and arms. They can also cause headaches and difficulty breathing.
Piriformis knots: These knots form in the muscle that connects your hip to your sacrum. They can cause pain in your buttocks, hips, and lower back. They can also cause sciatica, which is pain that radiates down the back of your leg.
Gastrocnemius knots: These knots form in the muscles in the back of your calf. They can cause pain in your calf, ankle, and heel. They can also cause plantar fasciitis, which is inflammation of the tissue that connects your heel to your toes.