How to Wear an Arm Immobilizer

After shoulder or arm surgery, or a severe injury, you will be sent home wearing a shoulder or arm immobilizer. This is to allow healing, prevent further injury and help control pain caused by movement. It is very important that you wear the immobilizer as your doctor directs and continue to use it until your doctor orders otherwise.

Things You'll Need

  • Shoulder/arm immobilizer
  • Extra pillows
  • Washcloth or small towel
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      Fasten all Velcro straps comfortably, but securely. A typical arm/shoulder immobilizer has a Velcro strap around the waist, a strap fastening around the middle of the injured arm, a strap to support the hand on the injured side and a strap going over the non-injured shoulder to provide support and extra stability.

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      Keep the immobilizer on at all times, except while showering, dressing or performing range-of-motion exercises ordered by your doctor. While showering, keep the injured arm as still as possible. Let the arm hang down against your body, with the elbow bent at a 90-degree angle across your belly.

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      Wear the immobilizer while sleeping. Use extra pillows to prop yourself up and make yourself more comfortable. Your doctor might recommend sleeping sitting up to control swelling.

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      Fold a small towel or washcloth and place it in the armpit of the injured arm before putting on the sling. This will absorb moisture and prevent you from developing a fungal infection or irritation.

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      Place a pillow behind your elbow when sitting or lying down. This prevents your elbow from moving back and placing strain on your injury.

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