How to Lift a Foot Arch
Things You'll Need
- Wall
- Table
Toe Curls
Sit down on the floor with your legs extended and knees locked. Your feet should be parallel to each other.
Stretch your toe muscles to extend your toes straight, as far as you can, and hold for at least three seconds. Repeat.
Curl just your toes upward, without allowing the rest of your feet or ankles to move. Hold the "up" curl for three to five seconds before returning to the straight position.
Curl your toes down toward the floor, using only your toe muscles. Hold the position for up to five seconds before returning to the starting position.
Repeat the exercise as many times as you're able in one sitting.
Standing Calf Stretches
Stand two steps from a wall and prop yourself forward, bracing your weight on the outside of your forearms. Lean your forehead against your hands.
Bend one leg at the knee and step back with the other, stretching it out behind you.
Curl your toes up toward the wall. You should feel the pull in your heel and calf. Hold the position for 10 seconds.
Switch feet and repeat the exercise on the other leg. Perform as many sets of standing calf stretches as you can during the session.
Plié Calf Raises
Stand near a table positioned, if possible, at mid-hip. Your feet should be in a parallel position.
Bend at the knees until they're in line with your feet. Don't move your back or other muscles to bend. Place a hand on the table for support, if necessary. This is called the plié position in ballet.
Lift up on your toes, stretching your heels. Hold the position for a couple of seconds.
Still in plié position, with heels lifted, slowly straighten your legs. Lower your heels to the floor in a slow, steady motion.
Repeat as many times as possible.