Can you name all the bones in skeletal system?
Axial Skeleton (80 bones):
- Skull (29 bones)
-- Cranium (8): Frontal bone, Occipital bone, 2 Parietal bones, 2 Temporal bones, Sphenoid bone, Ethmoid bone
-- Facial bones (14): Nasal bones (2), Maxillae (2), Zygomatic bones (2), Palatine bones (2), Lacrimal bones (2), Mandible, Vomer
-- Ear Ossicles (6): Malleus, Incus, Stapes (2 on each side)
- Vertebral Column (33 bones)
-- Cervical vertebrae (7): C1 (Atlas), C2 (Axis), C3-C7
-- Thoracic vertebrae (12): T1-T12
-- Lumbar vertebrae (5): L1-L5
- Sternum (1 bone)
-- Manubrium
-- Body (Corpus sterni)
-- Xiphoid process
Appendicular Skeleton (126 bones):
- Pectoral Girdle (4 bones)
-- Clavicle (2)
-- Scapula (2)
- Upper Limb (30 bones)
-- Humerus (2)
-- Ulna (2)
-- Radius (2)
-- Carpals (8): Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum, Pisiform, Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate, Hamate
-- Metacarpals (10): 5 on each hand
-- Phalanges (10): 2 on the thumb, 3 on each finger
- Pelvic Girdle (2 bones)
-- Pelvis (Hip) bones (2)
-- Each pelvis bone is composed of: Ilium, Ischium, Pubis
- Lower Limb (30 bones)
-- Femur (2)
-- Patella (2)
-- Tibia (2)
-- Fibula (2)
-- Tarsals (7): Calcaneus, Talus, Cuboid, Navicular, 3 Cuneiforms
-- Metatarsals (10): 5 on each foot
-- Phalanges (10): 2 on the big toe, 3 on each other toe
Sesamoid Bones (small extra bones in tendons and muscles):
- Patella (Kneecap)
- Pisiform (Wrist)
The number of bones in the human body may vary slightly due to individual variations and congenital anomalies.