Jogging or swimming be a better exercise for building your bone strength Why?
Here are some specific reasons why swimming is better for building bone strength than jogging:
* Swimming puts more stress on the bones. When you swim, your body is supported by the water, so there is less impact on your joints. This allows you to exercise longer and more frequently without experiencing pain. As a result, you can build bone strength more effectively.
* Swimming involves a greater range of motion. Swimming uses all of the major muscle groups in your body, including the muscles in your back, chest, arms, and legs. This helps to improve joint health and flexibility, which are both important for maintaining strong bones.
* Swimming is a low-impact exercise. This means that it is less likely to cause injuries, which can sideline you from your exercise program. As a result, you can be more consistent with your workouts, which will help you build bone strength more effectively.
If you are looking for an exercise that will help you build bone strength, swimming is an excellent option. It is a weight-bearing exercise that puts stress on the bones, and it also involves a greater range of motion than jogging. Swimming is also a low-impact exercise, which means that it is less likely to cause injuries.