What is the common and scientific names for bones in body?
| Skull | Cranium |
| Vertebrae | Vertebrae |
| Ribs | Costae |
| Sternum | Sternum |
| Clavicle | Clavicula |
| Scapula | Scapula |
| Humerus | Humerus |
| Ulna | Ulna |
| Radius | Radius |
| Carpals | Carpalia |
| Metacarpals | Metacarpalia |
| Phalanges | Phalanges |
| Pelvis | Pelvis |
| Femur | Femur |
| Patella | Patella |
| Tibia | Tibia |
| Fibula | Fibula |
| Tarsals | Tarsalia |
| Metatarsals | Metatarsalia |
| Phalanges | Phalanges |
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