What muscles do you use to smile?
Smiling involves the coordinated action of several facial muscles. Here are the primary muscles involved in smiling:
1. Zygomaticus Major: This is the main muscle responsible for raising the corners of the mouth and creating the smile expression. It originates from the cheekbone and inserts into the skin at the corners of the mouth.
2. Orbicularis Oculi (Pars Palpebrarum): This muscle is involved in closing the eyelids, but when it contracts during smiling, it raises the cheeks, creating a "crinkling" effect around the eyes, also known as the Duchenne smile.
3. Risorius: This muscle originates from the facial muscles near the ears and runs down towards the corners of the mouth. It helps in widening the smile and giving it a more pronounced appearance.
4. Levator Labii Superioris: This muscle originates from the lower part of the eye socket and inserts into the upper lip. It elevates the upper lip and helps in creating the smile expression.
5. Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi: Similar to the Levator Labii Superioris, this muscle elevates the upper lip, but it also widens the nostrils. It's active during intense smiles.
6. Depressor Anguli Oris (DAO): This muscle is responsible for lowering the corner of the lips. However, when it contracts along with other smiling muscles, it helps control the width and shape of the smile.
7. Mentalis: The Mentalis muscle is found in the chin area. It elevates the skin of the chin and helps create the "dimpled chin" that often accompanies smiling.
8. Buccinator: This muscle is located on the inside of the cheeks. It helps in drawing the cheeks inward, which contributes to the overall facial expression during smiling.
It's important to note that while these muscles are primarily responsible for smiling, several other facial muscles can come into play depending on the intensity and type of smile. For instance, the Platysma muscle in the neck can contract to pull down the corners of the mouth in a broad smile.
The interplay of these muscles creates the various expressions that convey different emotions, from a subtle smile to a broad, joyful grin.