What kind of joint is in the forearm?

The joint in the forearm is called the radioulnar joint.

The radioulnar joint is a type of synovial joint, which means that it is a freely movable joint that is lined with a synovial membrane. The synovial membrane produces a lubricating fluid that helps to reduce friction between the bones. The radioulnar joint allows the forearm to rotate, which is essential for many activities such as reaching, grasping, and writing.

The radioulnar joint is formed by the articulation of the radius and ulna, the two bones of the forearm. The proximal radioulnar joint allows for rotational movements of the forearm. This movement is used to turn the hand palm up (supination) and palm down (pronation). The radioulnar joint is a hinge-type joint between the head of the ulna and the radial notch of the ulna.

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