Where is spine t4 and t7 of spine?
- T4: The fourth thoracic vertebra is located in the upper back, just below the shoulder blades. It is the first thoracic vertebra to have a rib attached to it.
- T7: The seventh thoracic vertebra is also located in the upper back, about halfway between the shoulder blades and the waist. It is the last thoracic vertebra to have a rib attached to it.
To find the location of T4 and T7 on your spine, you can use your fingers to feel for the bony prominences on your back. The spinous processes of the vertebrae are the bony bumps that you can feel running down the center of your back. The T4 vertebra is located at the level of the fourth spinous process, and the T7 vertebra is located at the level of the seventh spinous process.