What Muscles are used to sit down?

Sit to Stand Movement:

1. Gluteus maximus: Initiates hip extension.

2. Hamstrings: Help extend the hips.

3. Quadriceps: Stabilize the knee.

4. Calf muscles (gastrocnemius and soleus): Provide dorsiflexion at the ankle.

5. Erector spinae: Back muscles that assist with posture.

6. Abdominals: Provide stability and assist with balance.

7. Quadriceps: Stabilizes the knee joint and assists in providing upward force against gravity.

Sitting Down Movement:

1. Gluteus maximus: Lowers the body back down to the seated position.

2. Hamstrings: Assist in hip flexion.

3. Quadriceps: Provide stability and assist in lowering the body.

4. Calf muscles (gastrocnemius and soleus): Plantarflex the ankle during downward movement.

5. Erector spinae: Back muscles that assist with posture.

6. Abdominals: Provide stability and assist with balance.

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