What is the criteria of profession according to Flexner?

Flexner's criteria of a profession

In his 1915 report on medical education, Abraham Flexner laid out six criteria that he believed all professions should meet:

1. A profession involves intellectual operations with large individual responsibility. This means that professionals must have a high level of knowledge and expertise in their field, and that they must be able to make independent decisions and take responsibility for their actions.

2. A profession is learned in institutions of higher education. This means that professionals must have a formal education that prepares them for their work.

3. A profession has its own organization which can maintain standards and control membership. This means that professions must have a professional association that sets standards for practice and ensures that members are qualified.

4. A profession has a code of ethics. This means that professionals must adhere to a set of ethical principles in their work.

5. A profession has a public service orientation. This means that professionals must place the interests of the public above their own personal interests.

6. A profession is financially self-supporting. This means that professionals must be able to earn a living from their work.

Flexner's criteria have been influential in the development of professions around the world. They provide a framework for assessing whether a particular occupation meets the standards of a profession.

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