Stretches for the Iliopsoas Muscle
Stretching Basics
When your iliopsoas feels tight, it needs to be lengthened. A tight iliopsoas pulls the small of your back forward and down, which increases pressure on your spine. To determine if you have a tight iliopsoas, lie on the floor face up. See if you can keep your thighs pressed into the floor while you also press your lower back into the floor. You will have to use your abdominal muscles to perform this move. If you cannot touch your lower back to the floor, then you may have a tight iliopsoas.
Lying Stretch
To stretch your iliopsoas while lying on the floor, lie face up with your legs extended straight. Bring your right knee to your chest as if you were hugging it. Keep your left leg and the small of your back touching the floor. The leg touching the floor is the one that you want to focus on because it is performing the stretch. Hold this position for 30 seconds, relax for 15 seconds and then repeat four more times. Repeat on your left leg. Perform this exercise twice a day.
Standing Stretch
You may remember toe touches from elementary school gym class. This simple stretch is a standard exercise for targeting your iliopsoas. To properly stretch your iliopsoas, do your toe touches with straight legs, but do not let your knees hyperextend. Perform this stretch slowly, without bouncing. Even if you cannot reach your toes, you are still stretching your iliopsoas. Stretch down until you feel a full stretch in the back of your upper legs. Stop before you feel pain. Instead of immediately rising back up when you reach your toes, hold this stretch for 15 seconds. Repeat five times and perform at least twice a day.
Tips & Considerations
All iliopsoas stretches impact your vertebral column, which is a vital part of your body. Consult with a doctor before you do any exercises that involve this area. Sitting for long periods of time may be the source of a shortened iliopsoas. Reducing sitting times, by using a standing workstation or avoiding seated weight machines and exercise bikes, can also help ease a tight iliopsoas.