How to Use a Cane for Right-Sided Weakness
Use the correct type of cane. Canes can be wood, plastic or metal. Handles are either flat or curved, with flat handles being easier to grip. Canes also come with one, three or four-pronged bases. If your balance is impaired, three or four-pronged canes work best.
Be sure your cane is the correct height. When you hold your cane, your elbow should be bent about 15 degrees. When you hang your arm by your side, the top of the cane should be even with your wrist. Some canes are adjustable, while others are not.
Gain your balance before walking. Grip the cane with your left hand, and plant it on the floor. The cane should be on the outside of your left leg, about four inches away. Use your cane to keep your balance while standing. Once you feel stable, you are ready to walk.
Grip your cane with your left hand. Plant the cane about four inches ahead of you while stepping forward with your right foot. The cane and your weaker, right foot should land at the same time. Keep the cane planted on the floor as you step forward with your left foot. Your left foot should land on the floor just ahead of your cane. Repeat this sequence for each step.
Rise from a sitting position by using your cane for balance. Hold your cane in your left hand, and plant it on the floor about four inches away from your left leg. Put your right hand on the arm of the chair. Push yourself up, using your arms. Keep your cane planted on the floor as you stabilize your balance.
Go up steps by putting your right hand on the railing. Hold the cane with your left hand. Step up with your left foot first. Plant your cane on the same step next to your left foot. Use the cane for balance as you step up with your right foot. Go up the steps one at a time. When climbing steps, have someone with you.
Go down steps by holding the cane in your left hand and the railing with your right. Put the cane on the step first, then step down with your right leg. Step down with your left, stronger leg last. Go down one step at a time. Have someone with you for safety.